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September Venue Circular!

Download our September Venue Circular as a PDF or read all news articles below (Mobile friendly option) - forthcoming news and events occurring at Venue 360.

Our top stories

“Love All” around for our refurbished tennis courts

We’re excited to share that our outdoor tennis courts have recently undergone a comprehensive refurbishment, just in time for your next match! At the end of August, we closed the courts for two days to carry out essential maintenance work, breathing new life into the playing surface.

The process began with a thorough treatment to eliminate moss and other growths, followed by the removal, cleaning, and replacement of the sand. To finish, a special drag mat was used to rejuvenate the surface. The results speak for themselves—our courts look brand new, and we couldn’t be more pleased. The team from SIS did a fantastic job, taking great care and pride in their work.

Head tennis coach Danny Pymont is equally thrilled, noting that the courts now offer a truer, higher bounce and a faster pace, with an overall improved feel during play.

In addition to this, we’re also excited to announce that work will soon begin to bring Court 3 back into action.

Court bookings are available on a PAYG basis or if you’ve played before, why not look to join our tennis club? Full details for all things tennis are on our website or

August Events Roundup

Whilst August is a notoriously quiet month for conference and events, our hospitality team have still been kept busy with a variety of bookings.

We have had taxi driver training courses, anniversary parties, a family well-being seminar, building & technical services courses, wakes, mendhi celebrations, Luton U3A, a pre-wedding reception and ticket events with a Mr Fixit reunion, The Youngs with family & friends and Twenty6 who had their second event here and are looking to book further events here on a regular basis.

Twenty6 is a dawah orientated organisation with a focus on delivering tailor-made events. Their mission statement is to create and curate inspiring impactful faith-based events. Through our commitment to excellence, integrity, and inclusivity, we aim to be a trusted partner in crafting transformative events around the world.

The two events they have held here so far have been a Comedy Queens night and Vocal Arts Festival. Both have sold out and gone down brilliantly with the attendees and organisers. Their next booking could well be a cinema night but watch this space…

For further details on Twenty6 can be found on their website

Hospitality Employee of the Month

Having been with us for many years we would like to Celebrate Ben!

Ben is our coffee connoisseur…famous for his careful attention to patterns on the top of our coffees and for his passion for making the best tasting coffee. After perfecting this technique Ben was given the task of mastering our new Balcony menu. To his absolute credit he did not shy away from this, but instead took the bull by the horns and threw himself in.

Not content with simply placing a salad on the plate, Ben has implemented a design for this too!!

…I was served by Ben today always has a great smile and extremely attentive attitude towards customer care.Sal (Tripadvisor)

Ben also contributes heavily to our Mystery Shopper Reports, often being mentioned by name and always receiving positive feedback.

It is with great pleasure that we name Ben Employee of the Month!!

Rehab / Knee and Hip Surgery

We have had an increasing number of members having replacement knee and hip operations. Surgery is now very successful meaning patients can have pain free movement once surgery has been completed and rehab has finished!

First of all, before surgery it is really important that members are working on a program that is not aggravating the problem but strengthening the correct muscles. The Lifelines team can provide that suitable program.

Once surgery has been complete the correct program must be prescribed to help rehab the new replacements.

Some of our recent members who have had successful knee replacements and are back in the gym are Paul, (double knee replacement) John (single knee) and Tariq (Double Hip replacement) - who are all getting on really well, massively helped by the exercises they are doing to help speed up their recovery.

These are just 3 members, over the years we have had quite a few more that have helped their recovery by exercising here at Lifelines!


In other news...

Hand Crafted Real Ales – working with local businesses

As of the end of September we will be introducing some hand-crafted real ales to our bar. Working with a small local business we have decided to launch two new bottled ales courtesy of Kelchner Brewery.

HAT-TRICK A triple hopped pale ale which makes it a distinct “Hat-Trick” of flavours & aromas. With a nod to the sports player and fan, this is a golden coloured ale with a pleasant citrus aroma and a malty bitter finish.

Ampthill IPA is a classic India Pale Ale with a well-balanced hoppy and malty character. Its caramel and biscuit malt flavouring paired with English hops give it a fruity, yet dry and bitter finish. A classic ale enjoyed in the modern day.

We look forward to working with Chris at Kelchner Brewery to bring you some new favourites.

We have to mention the C-Word before it is too late!

Yes, no sooner have you put your suitcase back in the loft and we are mentioning the C-word! Christmas is still a few months away of course but our joiner parties are already starting to sell out and dates for private parties are quickly being snapped up.

Head to our website, see what dates and parties we have to offer and get organising now with your work colleagues or friends & family before it is too late!

Joiner Party Nights - £49.95pp

Friday 29th November - SOLD OUT

Saturday 30th November

Friday 6th December - Limited spaces

Saturday 7th December

Friday 13th December - Limited spaces

Saturday 14th December - SOLD OUT

Thursday 19th December (Special offer - only £44.95pp)

* Other private party nights available - We look forward to hearing from you.

Sun Dream Team Lifelines League

Another season is upon us and we have quite a few members who have taken part in the Lifelines Sun dream team. The top 3 places will receive prizes so with a very long way to go, the table as it stands - Jordan in first place, Louis in Second and Naqeeb Third! If you wish to join in just sign in to the Sun dream team, enter your personal details and pick a team, its really straight forward and easy.

To join the Lifelines league, pick the join league option and add the unique code 0GHKPVUO or ask a member of the team to help!

Thank-you Alison

We would like to say a big thank you to Alison who used to teach the Saturday morning and the Tuesday evening Yoga classes and has done so for over 10 years! Alison’s classes are extremely popular and she will be missed, however we hope she will continue covering both Yoga and spin classes in the future.

Treadmill Challenge Winners!

Well done to Orshy and Connor who completed the August treadmill challenge and were picked out of the lucky dip from all the entrants and both will receive a Venue 360 water bottle.

September Challenge

See Lifelines instructor for details.

Exercise of the Month

V-Sit Hold

The V-sit ab exercise builds core strength by working multiple areas of the core at the same time, while also challenging your balance. In this exercise, you sit with legs extended and torso off the ground, your body forming a V shape. If you are a beginner, you can modify it to use a bit of assistance from your hands, or do it with bent legs. Intermediate exercisers can add this exercise to abdominal and core workouts.


The V-sit is an effective way to target the rectus abdominis, external obliques, internal obliques, and hip flexors while improving core and trunk balance. You are not alone if you are unable to do more than 10 to 12 of the V-sit ab exercise before you reach failure. Feeling the burn means the exercise is working.

Building your core strength, balance, and coordination can help you maintain good posture, catch yourself to avoid falls, and perform better at a variety of physical activities. For those who’ve done yoga or Pilates before, this movement will look a bit familiar. It’s similar to the Boat Pose, and adds an added lift of the arms and legs to move into a V-shaped position.

Safety and Precautions

If you have any back or neck problems, talk to your doctor or physical therapist about whether this exercise is appropriate for you. If not done with proper form, it can compress the spine and stress the neck. You can expect to feel your core muscles working, even burning, but stop if you feel any sharp pain.

Beginner, intermidiate, advanced.

Rolling into good times

On Saturday 31st August NTCG Luton held their end of summer gospel skate jam in the sports hall. New Testament Church of God (NTCG) Luton is a vibrant, long- established cosmopolitan church set within a diverse community in the South ward, in the South-West of Luton borough council.

From those starting from scratch to confident skaters, everyone was welcome to come down and give it a try. New skaters had the opportunity to learn the basics on the squash courts before putting it into practice to the skate jam in the sports hall.

‘The event went very well. The staff on duty from Venue 360 working that evening was very much assistive helping in the various areas. The event was a success with many enquiring regarding the next date for the next one!’

Back to school – Tennis courses

New school year started, time for a new sport? Sign up your child for our autumn tennis programme starting from Saturday 7th September.

Our ever-popular, children’s tennis courses start up again in September so make sure you get your child booked in. This coming term of coaching lasts for 14 weeks and there are sessions available throughout the week. We cater for ages 4-18 years old, of all abilities, so there is no reason to not get your child involved.

The coaching is headed up and run by our resident Head Coach; Danny Pymont. Take a look at our forthcoming programme and full details at and book online or call reception on 01582 418873 (option 1).

Venue 360 see’s a ‘Spike’ in bookings

Venue 360 is always looking to invest in and improve its facilities and has recently done so by purchasing and installing new volleyball posts and nets to National league standard.

We have seen a strong interest in volleyball bookings in recent years, one of them being local volleyball team; Red Eagles. Due to Red Eagles league rules, we ran the risk of losing them if we didn’t upgrade our existing volleyball posts. Red Eagles have three teams, two mens and one ladies who all train and play fixtures here.

Jason Goodall said “Red Eagles have been a pleasure to have here at weekends during the volleyball season and it would have been a real shame to see them have to find a new venue. We and they are delighted with our new posts and wish Red Eagles all the best for the season ahead.”

Red Eagles welcomes new players so if you are interested, please call Krzysztof on 07533 253364 or visit

Volleyball is a great game to play socially and is also available to book on a PAYG basis. So if you fancy a game with friends or work colleagues, give reception a call and book today on 01582 418873 (option 1).


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