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book & pay 24hrs a day!

get booking your court, pitch or class online today


Booking a court, pitch or class couldn't be easier with Venue 360's online booking system.

Members and non-members can book via phone, tablet or laptop, all you need is an email address to register and away you go!

You are then free to book and pay as much as want, whenever you want.

Contact reception today on 01582 418873 for further information or to also make a booking.

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how to book
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how to book

If you are already a member or need to register to make bookings, click on our 'book now' button.


If you have booked online previously but have not set up a password yet, click on login, forgot your password and then enter your email to reset your password. You should then receive an email and the steps to set up a password are self-explanatory. You can no longer login with a PIN

If you are non-member and looking to book for the first time, proceed to making your booking and you will then be asked to register before paying for the booking.

Online bookings should not be made from abroad as it will not book the correct time for you.  

If you are looking to join first to then receive member prices and advance booking privileges, please CLICK HERE


frequently asked questions

booking t&cs

booking terms & conditions

1. PAYMENT a) The customer shall be responsible for the payment and any other charges to do with the booking. b) The customer shall not assign or sub-let the right to use the facilities and must only use the facility for the agreed purpose. c) Full payment must be made at the time of online booking (or they will drop-off after 20mins), members and non-members must pay upon booking. Bookings and payment may be paid online, over the phone or at reception. Personal cheques & Amex are not accepted. d) The centre reserves the right to review prices and will notify customers within a minimum of 14 days notice of any changes. e) The customer shall be liable for any additional expenses incurred by the centre if any booking overruns.


2. RULES AND REGULATIONS OF BOOKING a) In order to make online bookings the customer will need to register at the main Venue 360 reception. This requires them to have a valid email address to log-in with and a PIN number which members may obtain, in person, from the main reception. Regular non-members can also request at our main reception to use our online bookings service. b) Any customers who forget their PIN number can request a reminder through the on-line booking screen or via our main reception c) Customers can book and pay online, over the telephone or at our main reception d) Customers are only permitted to make ONE individual booking, per activity, at anyone time and this must be for their personal use. Abuse of this regulation may lead to customers being banned from using the online bookings system. e) Acceptance of your booking does not guarantee further bookings. f) Management reserves the right to re-allocate any bookings to other courts or areas within Venue 360 in order to optimise space utilisation.

3. CANCELLATION OF BOOKING BY CUSTOMER a) If for any reason you wish to cancel a booking we ask that you do so by leaving two clear calendar days (48hrs) between the day of cancellation and the day of play.(I.e. to cancel a booking for Thursday 8pm you must telephone by Tuesday at 8pm.) 7 days notice required for Pro Zone bookings. (24 hours notice if booked within 7 days) b) Bookings cancelled without sufficient notice will be charged at the full cost if the booking slot is not re-sold. c) Cancellations can be made online, over the phone or at main reception. d) No refunds can be issued online (see refunds section). e) Please click HERE for specific cancellation rules relating to Lifelines members booking and cancelling classes.

4. CANCELLATION BY VENUE 360 a) Venue 360 reserves the right to refuse or cancel any booking without giving any reason, to refuse admission to the venue, to reject an application of membership and to withdraw membership. b) We can add to, change, withdraw or cancel facilities or activities from the venue without notice. This includes closing the venue or changes to its opening hours for safety reasons, maintenance or special events. Customers who book & pay online will be entitled to a refund if the centre withdraws the facility or activity. The payment will be refunded direct to the credit or debit card upon presentation of the web booking reference number at the main reception from the confirmation email customers receive. c) No refund of membership fees will be made if a facility or activity booking is cancelled by the venue. d) Venue 360 will not be liable for any other expenditure incurred or loss sustained by the customer arising from the booking online or cancellation.


5. REFUNDS a) Refunds can not be issued online. b) Providing it is not a late cancellation, if you have paid in advance and are looking to cancel your booking, a full refund will be issued by reception, after authorisation is given by a duty manager. c) Refunds for late cancellations must be made in writing and sent to the Venue 360 Manager stating the details of the refund requested. A refund may be issued or a credit given if there are exceptional circumstances d) Customers can cancel paid bookings online but will need to contact the Venue 360 which the booking relates to, to arrange for a refund to be issued. We would always advise to cancel paid bookings directly with reception e) No refund will be given for any booking made in person or via the online system should the customer fail to turn-up. f) No refund of membership fees will be made if a facility or activity booking is cancelled by the member. g) Failure to turn up for a booked activity may result in members receiving a dishonour charge or being prohibited from making in advance bookings in the future.


6. DELIVERY AND TRANSACTION CURRENCIES a) Venue 360 Ltd does not deliver any of its products b) Venue 360 Ltd uses 'Payments Power by World Pay' for its online bookings. We are a local based company only trading in the UK and only deal with transactions in pounds sterling.


7. RULES AND REGULATIONS OF USE (GENERAL) a) Set up and down of equipment may be undertaken during your booking time and is included in your booking payment. b) The following must not be brought onto the premises without the written permission of a Venue 360 Manager. > Crockery and glass > Electrical appliances > Pets (except guide dogs) > Food, drink or retail items c) Permission must be obtained from Duty Manager before taking any video or photographic images in the building. d) Appropriate clothing must be worn for all activities for example: > Outdoor shoes must not be worn on court. > Non marking soles must be worn in all activity areas. e) Customers shall keep all noise at a level which is acceptable and will reduce noise levels immediately if instructed by a manager. f) On arrival at, and departure of the venue, customers must show consideration towards local residents living nearby, particularly during the evening. g) No customer shall grant sound or television broadcasting or filming rights without prior conditional consent of the management. The consent may impose conditions with which you must comply. h) Venue 360 and third parties may carry out general filming and sound recording. Admission to the venue signifies your consent to them being used in perpetuity and in all media without any rights to payment. i) You must park only in the designated parking places. j) Only cars displaying disabled badges may park in the disabled parking bays. k) Customers will leave booked areas clean, tidy and free from damage.


8. LOST PROPERTY a) Any articles we find, including items left in lockers at the end of the day, will be removed. b) Clothing left will be removed to lost property. (Items are KEPT FOR TWO WEEKS BEFORE DISPOSAL.) Venue 360 Ltd accepts no responsibility for customers lost property even when logged.

9. LIABILITY a) Venue 360 Ltd accepts no responsibility for the loss of, or damage to, property or injury, illness or death, on these premises unless caused by its own negligence.

10. EMERGENCY PROCEDURES a) If the fire alarm sounds at the venue you must immediately leave by the nearest available exit and meet at the assembly point and comply with any directions from Venue 360 staff. b) You must report any accident, injury or damage immediately to the Duty Manager/Reception.


11. DATA PROTECTION ACT a) Venue 360 Ltd is a data controller under the Data Protection Act. We hold information for the purposes specified in our notification made to the information commissioner. We may get information about you from others, or we may give information to them. If we do, it will only be as the law permits, to; i. Check accuracy of information ii. Prevent or detect crime iii. Protect public funds. We may check information we receive about you with what is already in our records. This can include information provided by you as well as by others such as government departments and agencies. We will not give information about you to anyone outside of the organisation unless the law permits us to do so. Additionally before agreeing to these terms and conditions ensure you have read the privacy policy, the link is at the bottom of the web page.


12. CUSTOMER SERVICE CONTACT a) If you wish to speak to someone regarding the level of service, please talk to the Duty Manager immediately. All customers must comply with these terms for booking online & conditions of use, to have regard for the safety of, and behave considerately towards other customers, staff, the building and equipment. Any person not doing so maybe asked to leave the venue and must immediately leave if asked. b) You are responsible for the behaviour of any children you bring to Venue 360 and must explain any relevant rules and conditions to them. c) You must comply with notices and signs on display in the venue. d) Please feel free to also contact us by email: or by telephone: 01582 418873 (option 1).



Venue 360 Ltd

Reg No. 07573682

Registered Office: Venue 360 Ltd, 20 Gipsy Lane, Luton, Beds, LU1 3JH

Tel: 01582 418873


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